Funny New

Some of these are homemade and some I collect from my Tweeting Friends.

Latest video below – Animals go ROGUE

funny  Our first funny page is here..

I will split this page up into a few pages later tonight.  So much happening.  Humor is a weapon I think of truth and awareness.  We don’t laugh at something unless it has a base in reality right?  Anway, please Right click to share.  These are in collages which will go to a slideshow but when you are in the slideshow it will end only with that collage.

Billy Baldwin I’m enjoying his “sum ups” I must have missed the first week.  I’ll go back and look for those one day.




Animals against Trump





funny  Our first funny page is here..

This is my new Parody on Meryl’s brilliant speech vs. Don’s dumb tweets




Two sets here.. The first set are just graphics I use to express myself in tweets when Drumpf does things to annoy me..

Our first funny page can be found by following the link below.

Funny till the bombs go off.. Like mum said – It’s funny till somebody looses an eye or in this case – their civil liberties – lives – planet – future of mankind///


Bill Maher.  Love this guy..It’s from before the election ..but it’s still funny.
I’m an asshole..women hate doesn’t add up!
Yea there are a lot of assholes.. Bill and they voted him in. Trump was the ASSHOLE indicator of America. Like the election was like a colonoscopy for sexism.. the stick went in and came back positive. HAHAHAHA..I just made that up.. I should make a graphic for that.

The Best of Alec Baldwin on Saturday Night Live

My funny New Year’s Eve Card – produced by Myself.